Kandy Esala Perahera 2025
How to findtogether, let’s beat the heck out of them!
Make your plans
When does it take place?
Kandy Esala Perahera is scheduled to be held from 30 July-9 Aug 2025
Kumbal Perahera
6 pm onwards
Randoli Perahera
6 pm onwards
Day Perahera
2 pm onwards
Possible Elephant Abuse
If you don’t like seeing chained elephants, dressed up in costumes, light bulbs all over their head (like the one in this picture),
you should avoid this event!
Elephant rampage is possible during these events, although it’s not common. People have been injured in the past.
How to find cheap seats?
Visit Kandy city in the morning or before 5 pm and walk around the streets where you will see the crowd. You will find empty unsold seats available for a bargain.
Best dates: 30 July-3 Aug
This is a FREE religious event
Seat arrangements are not managed by the Temple of the Tooth or the government. There is no regulation about seat ticket price or the quality, various businessman buy spaces along the route (from owners for the Perahera duration) and try to make their profit by selling seats for the highest possible price. They pay a tax to the local municipal council for tourist tickets. None of this profit goes to the Temple of the Tooth as some tourists assume.
Finding cheap seat tickets for the Kandy Perahera festival (locally known as Dalada Maligawa Perahera) can be challenging, as it’s one of Sri Lanka’s most popular and significant cultural events.
However, here are some strategies to help you secure more affordable tickets.
Tickets often go on sale months in advance. The earlier you book, the higher your price, although a ticket is guaranteed. Early booking does not offer low price tickets as sellers try to sell at the highest possible price early on.
30 July-3 Aug 2025: Shorter version of the Perahera
Called the ‘Kumbal Perahera’: only the Temple of the Tooth will participate.
First three days (30 July-1 Aug): around 1hr 45 min
The last two days (2 & 3 Aug): 2hr 20 min
Starts around: 7-7:30pm (Must be seated by 6pm)
Note: It may take a few hours to reach the place you are.
Time allocation: keep 4-5 hours
Usually, ‘Kumbal Perahera’ is less crowded. Although online tickets are slightly less priced for these days, it still remain at a higher range of around US$90 to $110. But believe me, these seats rarely go ‘Sold out’.
You will find many unsold seats, which will be sold between $15-30 each day evening for anybody around looking for a seat, make sure to be that person!
The last two ‘Kumbal Perahera’ on 2 & 3 Aug might be crowded as it’s the weekend. If you come from 30 July-1 Aug, you have a higher chance of success.
4-8 Aug 2025: Longer version of the Perahera
Called the ‘Randoli Perahera’: Four temples dedicated to deities will join.
First four days (4-7 Aug) around 3 to 4hr
Last day: around 5 hr
Starts between: 7-8pm (Must be seated by 6pm)
Start time will be determined based on the Auspicious time.
Time allocation: keep 6-8 hours
If you must see one of the ‘Randoli Perahera’, it would be advisable to come from 4th to 6th Aug to find a cheap seat which will still be remaining.
It’s advisable to settle for one of the ‘Kumbal Perahera’ which will be over within 2 hours, but altogether, it will take around 4-5 hours of your time.
‘Randoli Perahera’ will take up about 6-8 hours of your time, from seating before 6pm to going back to your accommodation.

Respect Elephants
Respect the religious event
No Escape
Once the procession starts, you will not allowed to leave until it’s over. Come prepared to stay for aout 5 to 8 hours.
No Toilet
Come empty blader as you will not be able to use a toilet for the entire time (unless you book at a restaurant).
Not for Kids
As you will have to sit in the same place for 4 hours or longer without any toilet breaks.
Plan your wayout
It will be midnight by the time it’s over. Make sure to have a confirmed ride back to your accommodation as getting a taxi is not promising at that time.
Long & Repetitive
Similer groups of danceers and drummers will pass again and again making the progression look repetitive and long.
Snaks & Drinks
You will be seated before 6pm and will not have access to any drinks & food. Make sure to bring your own drinks & snacks or buy from Pizza Hut or Dominos guys who walks around taking orders.

This is great insights, insider information. I have seen some other tourists also mentioning similar ideas. I had been to this event in the past and I paid ridiculously high price for a plastic chair on the road side. Not all the chair got sold so there were few remaining seats even after the event started. Some locals got lucky that day to get a free seat 💺 🤪
Good to know that it’s usually like that. Last time I saw so many places selling seats, no wonder it all doesn’t get sold.
Thanks, Nick for your input. We need to spread the word so more people will benefit.